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Friday, January 23, 2009

Shoving Mommy 4 LOVE

It's hard to explain to a one year old that daddy is bye- bye for 3 days on an airplane and he will be home soon. Zoie called for da da off & on, but was really puzzled hearing his voice on my cell phone. She held it & turned it over and over. Her sweet face showed... "Where is he?"

Daddy came home today and scooped up Zoie, who was obviously ecstatic. I gave my hubby a big hug, but was stopped short...Zoie squeeezed my cheek. ouch! I gave him a big kiss, but felt a little hand pushing me back. We both looked at Zoie and she waved her hand at me like she was trying to say...
back off mommy, he's MINE. LOL

1 comment:

The best is yet to come!!