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Thursday, June 18, 2009

HAITI MISSION TRIP (Oh ya I've been waiting!!!:)

Bloggy friends, I just had to jump back on today & share a happy with you!!! I've been waiting to go on a mission trip this year. It's almost been a year since Ethiopia. My heart yearns to serve at an orphanage.... anywhere!!!!!!!!!!! I got a call yesterday that a spot, ONE more spot was open for our church's mission trip to Haiti. I will admit, I've been begging the Lord for this one!!!! I adore my pastor's wife & she is taking a small group to Haiti to serve at the orphanage we sponsor as a church family. The trip was full. I've been WAITING. They purchased my ticket today & now the fundraising starts:)) I'm doing this a little backwards.... ticket bought, now how to pay!!!!

I'm a faithful blog stalker & know many of you out there have had SUPER successful fundraisers. Can you give me any fun ideas for me to do? The mission trip is Aug. 24th, so I have to start now! The cost is $1,300- includes everything from A to Z.

It's so much fun to blog about a certain subject & BOOM out of nowhere God says..... GO NOW!! Its time!!!
Please pray for me.



  1. Kari,
    Just pray about the fundraiser.
    God will give you ideas.
    Sometimes it comes from ways I never expected.
    Praying for you
    a little bit jealous:)

  2. How cool is that?? Can't wait to see just how He provides, know it will be amazing.

  3. Kari - how exciting!!!! God is going to provide!! What about raffling off something... maybe an Ipod? Might raise at least 1/2 of what you need :)

  4. Which orphanage? We have two sisters from Haiti who were adopted by a family at our church!

  5. How exciting! I'm a bit envious, though. God will guide about the fundraising!

  6. oh how we love haiti!!! i need all the details of this trip! i want you to meet our brother romano!!

    so excited for you!

  7. We are adopting from Haiti (and China) and think it is great that you are serving in this way! Blessings!


The best is yet to come!!